Winners of AAP Magazine's #17 Portrait Competition Recently, 25 photographers from 12 countries were announced as winners and fi...

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Winners of AAP Magazine's #17 Portrait Competition

Recently, 25 photographers from 12 countries were announced as winners and finalists for All About Photo (AAP) Magazine's #17 PORTRAIT competition. Once a replica of paintings, and a privilege reserved for the upper class, portraiture is much more ubiquitous these days. What sets an average portrait apart from a memorable one, however, is timing – that moment where a photographer captures the personality of their subject.

The top three winners received cash awards totally $1,000 and will be featured in the AAP Winners Gallery, and published in the printed issue of AAP Magazine #17 Portrait alongside the other finalists. All selected photos can be viewed here.

1st Place Winner: 'Paddy, Galway, Ireland 2019' by Joseph-Philippe Bevillard (Ireland)

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About the Image: Like many boys and girls in the traveling communities, boxing is one of their favorite sports. His three older brothers are also boxers. Fathers will teach their children from a young age, and I often encounter young males Travelers sparring to enhance their skills.

2nd place winner: 'Neetu' by Erberto Zani

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About the Image: Neetu, 31 years old (Agra, India). She was just 3 years old when the father attacked her, the mother and the youngest sister of 18 months, with acid. Neetu had lost her vision in both eyes and deep scars on her face. After two months from the aggression, Neetu's sister died at hospital for problems at head because of acid. The criminal still lives with the family/victims.

3rd place winner: 'Nedret, Portrait of a Painter' by Nadide Goksun (USA)

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About the Image: Nedret is a very close painter friend. When I took his photograph under the water, the reflection of the sunlight helped me to make this abstract portrait.

Merit Award: 'Shepherds from Transylvania' by Istvan Kerekes (Hungary)

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About the Image: Transylvania is a historical region that is located in central Romania. The region of Transylvania is known for the scenery of its Carpathian landscape. The Western world commonly associates Transylvania with vampires because of the influence of Bram Stoker’s novel "Dracula”and the many films the tale inspired. My picture presents shepherds from Transylvania. Walking in some parts of Transylvania one would often feel like old times come alive. There’s hardly any sign of modern technology here, it is as if the time stopped, beauty and life preserved. Sheep farming has been a tradition in this region for centuries.

Merit Award: 'The Dublin Commute' by Frank Lynch (Switzerland)

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About the Image: Dubliner commuters are a hardy lot. The city has no underground and commuters have to depend on a bus system that is unreliable, infrequent and way too expensive. It can be at times soul destroying, especially when it rains and the cold wind tries to cut you in half. To add insult to injury, the real time displays at every bus stop are always lying - promising you that a bus is due in 5 minutes when in fact it has actually disappeared off the face of the earth...

Merit Award: 'Danni (they/them)' by Emil Lombardo (United Kingdom)

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About the Image: From January to April 2021, I've cycled 600km to different London areas during the UK national lockdown to photograph trans and non-binary people outside their homes.

This series document our unique lockdown experiences and feelings of being separated from our safe spaces and our chosen families. Whilst this work is about covid, I intended to play with atemporal emotions, which we could also relate outside of the pandemic. Hence these large-format black and white photographs suggest a sense of a parallel reality where these portraits might or might not have been taken on a calm and silent Sunday morning.

Merit Award: 'Joyce' by Madison Casagranda (USA)

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About the Image: The tintypes of the Black Stories Project embody the history of photography and the history of racial inequity specifically in the state of Utah. We can only address the current issues of systemic inequality while acknowledging and grappling with the history behind them. This project is a study about how the weight of our state’s history and the lens through which it is told, affects how Black individuals experience life here today.

Merit Award: 'Beyond the Skin' by Antoine Janot (France)

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About the Image: This picture was taken during the 2019 edition of World Albinism Day at the United Nations Information Center in Dakar.

In Senegal, 95% of People Living with Albinism die before the age of 30 because of skin cancer. A vast majority of these people are illiterate and forced into begging because of the discrimination and persecution they suffer from. In West Africa, it is a traditional belief that having sexual intercourse with an albino can cure AIDS. Many People Living with Albinism are even mutilated and killed, as having a hand of theirs is believed to bring good luck.

Merit Award: 'Arts District' by Gail Just (USA)

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About the Image: The Downtown Los Angeles Arts District community turns out to celebrate Bloomfest, in honor of the late Joel Bloom, he was considered the unofficial Mayor of the district.

Merit Award: 'Fetayo' by Jacopa Maria Della Valle (Italy)

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About the Image: At the end of my last trip to Ethiopia I arrived in the city of Jinka, where I met Abushe, the boy famous for his blue eyes like the sky. I went around the village in his company, reaching the far outskirts. There, in a small agglomeration of scattered houses, was his house: a small room of few square meters where Abushe lives with his mother, 4 brothers and 3 sisters.

Moving the curtain at the entrance this is the scene that arose: a woman intent on nursing her youngest daughter in a plastic pose, almost like a caravaggesque Madonna. Little light in the room, only a beam of light illuminating the scene. It's a strong image, but which fully tells the disadvantaged conditions of the majority of the Ethiopian population.

Merit Award: 'Noble Man' by William Ropp (Franc)

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About the Image: Noble Men. Noble Women. Noble Children... Using a visual metaphor, William Ropp features a nobility that is primarily of character. He shows us Humans whose nobility resides in the core being. A worthy heir to the Masters of classical painting, Ropp confers his models a magnificence in line with their humble, yet noble attitude. Costumes and accessories emphasize the lordly figures of the sitters: ageless faces whose traits match exquisitely with classical aesthetics.

Merit Award: 'Demetra' by Chiara Felmini (Italy)

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About the Image: In the Guizhou region there are still several villages with wooden houses. Going around the alleys and being invited to enter is practically the norm. With this lady the feeling was immediate and her laughter was contagious; I think she told me almost everything about her life, obviously in Chinese.

Obviously I did not understand anything and obviously for the understanding this did not matter.
Laughter is an antidote to crying, celebrated in mythology by Demetra, in memory and symbol of laughter as a unique gift of the gods to the human species. This woman for me was Demetra.

Merit Award: 'Anna' by Gabriella Aragon (USA)

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About the Image: I am an artist with a concentration in photography and experimenting in post-production, color, and light. I like to work with many mediums and have created props, sets, and accessories to incorporate into my work. I enjoy learning and exploring which has led me to create many characters in self-portraits and portraits of others. Traditionally trained in advertising, I also continue to photograph still lifes that explore natural light. When I am not photographing, you can find me weaving, painting, drawing, sewing, or gardening.

Merit Award: 'Mauritanian Tuareg' by Vincent Karcher (Canada)

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About the Image: I met this Nomad and his camel, while driving to the east of Mauritania. On my way to west Africa, I was trying to skip the main road, and adventure myself into the deeper Sahara through the east and finally going south from there. This man was crossing the desert on camelback.

Merit Award: 'Carol (from The Road I Call Home)' by Randy Bacon (USA)

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About the Image: Randy Bacon is a contemporary American photographer. At the core of his work is the ability to present emotive, authentic visual stories of the people he photographs. The Road I Call Home features simple, direct, casual studio portraits of homeless individuals. The portraits emphasize their beauty, identity and integrity as to convey a message, 'We are all one-of-a-kind miracles. We need to realize how incredibly special and important each 'one' is in this world of over 7 billion people.'

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